— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Ṭā, Seen, Meem.1
— Saheeh International
These are the verses of the clear Book.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
These are the verses of the clear Book.
— Saheeh International
Perhaps you ˹O Prophet˺ will grieve yourself to death over their disbelief.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Perhaps, [O Muḥammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.
— Saheeh International
If We willed, We could send down upon them a ˹compelling˺ sign from the heavens, leaving their necks bent in ˹utter˺ submission to it.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
If We willed, We could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their necks would remain humbled.1
— Saheeh International
Whatever new reminder comes to them from the Most Compassionate, they always turn away from it.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And no mention [i.e., revelation] comes to them anew from the Most Merciful except that they turn away from it.
— Saheeh International
They have certainly denied ˹the truth˺, so they will soon face the consequences of their ridicule.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
For they have already denied, but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
— Saheeh International
Have they failed to look at the earth, ˹to see˺ how many types of fine plants We have caused to grow in it?
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Did they not look at the earth - how much We have produced therein from every noble kind?
— Saheeh International
Surely in this is a sign. Yet most of them would not believe.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers.
— Saheeh International
And your Lord is certainly the Almighty, Most Merciful.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And indeed, your Lord - He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
— Saheeh International
˹Remember˺ when your Lord called out to Moses, “Go to the wrongdoing people—
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And [mention] when your Lord called Moses, [saying], "Go to the wrongdoing people -
— Saheeh International
the people of Pharaoh. Will they not fear ˹Allah˺?”
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
The people of Pharaoh. Will they not fear Allah?"
— Saheeh International
He replied, “My Lord! I fear that they will reject me.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
He said, "My Lord, indeed I fear that they will deny me
— Saheeh International
And ˹so˺ my heart will be broken and my tongue will be tied. So send Aaron along ˹as a messenger˺.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And that my breast will tighten and my tongue will not be fluent, so send for Aaron.
— Saheeh International
Also, they have a charge against me,1 so I fear they may kill me.”
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And they have upon me a [claim due to] sin, so I fear that they will kill me."
— Saheeh International
Allah responded, “Certainly not! So go, both of you, with Our signs. We will be with you, listening.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
[Allah] said, "No. Go both of you with Our signs; indeed, We are with you, listening.
— Saheeh International
Go to Pharaoh and say, ‘We are messengers from the Lord of all worlds,
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Go to Pharaoh and say, 'We are the messengers1 of the Lord of the worlds,
— Saheeh International
˹commanded to say:˺ ‘Let the Children of Israel go with us.’’”
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
[Commanded to say], "Send with us the Children of Israel."'"
— Saheeh International
Pharaoh protested, “Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you stayed several years of your life in our care?
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
[Pharaoh] said, "Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you remained among us for years of your life?
— Saheeh International
Then you did what you did,1 being ˹utterly˺ ungrateful!”
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And [then] you did your deed which you did,1 and you were of the ungrateful."
— Saheeh International