
Ask ˹them, O  Prophet˺, “Can any of your associate-gods originate creation and then resurrect it?” Say, “˹Only˺ Allah originates creation and then resurrects it. How can you then be deluded ˹from the truth˺?”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Say, "Are there of your 'partners' any who begins creation and then repeats it?" Say, "Allah begins creation and then repeats it, so how are you deluded?"

— Saheeh International


Ask ˹them, O  Prophet˺, “Can any of your associate-gods guide to the truth?” Say, “˹Only˺ Allah guides to the truth.” Who then is more worthy to be followed: the One Who guides to the truth or those who cannot find the way unless guided? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Say, "Are there of your 'partners' any who guides to the truth?" Say, "Allah guides to the truth. So is He who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed or he who guides not unless he is guided? Then what is [wrong] with you - how do you judge?"

— Saheeh International

Most of them follow nothing but ˹inherited˺ assumptions. ˹And˺ surely assumptions can in no way replace the truth. Allah is indeed All-Knowing of what they do.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And most of them follow not except assumption. Indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of what they do.

— Saheeh International

It is not ˹possible˺ for this Quran to have been produced by anyone other than Allah. In fact, it is a confirmation of what came before, and an explanation of the Scripture. It is, without a doubt, from the Lord of all worlds.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And it was not [possible] for this Qur’ān to be produced by other than Allah, but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt,1 from the Lord of the worlds.

— Saheeh International

Or do they claim, “He1 made it up!”? Tell them ˹O Prophet˺, “Produce one sûrah like it then, and seek help from whoever you can—other than Allah—if what you say is true!”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Or do they say [about the Prophet (ﷺ)], "He invented it?" Say, "Then bring forth a sūrah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful."

— Saheeh International

In fact, they ˹hastily˺ rejected the Book without comprehending it and before the fulfilment of its warnings. Similarly, those before them were in denial. See then what was the end of the wrongdoers!

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Rather, they have denied that which they encompass not in knowledge and whose interpretation has not yet come to them. Thus did those before them deny. Then observe how was the end of the wrongdoers.

— Saheeh International


Some of them will ˹eventually˺ believe in it; others will not. And your Lord knows best the corruptors.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And of them are those who believe in it, and of them are those who do not believe in it. And your Lord is most knowing of the corrupters.

— Saheeh International

If they deny you, then say, “My deeds are mine and your deeds are yours. You are free of what I do and I am free of what you do!”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And if they deny you, [O Muḥammad], then say, "For me are my deeds, and for you are your deeds. You are disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do."

— Saheeh International

Some of them listen to what you say, but can you make the deaf hear even though they do not understand?

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And among them are those who listen to you. But can you cause the deaf to hear [i.e., benefit from this hearing], although they will not use reason?

— Saheeh International

Page 213
جزء 11 حزب 22



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