
On that Day you will see believing men and women with their light shining ahead of them and on their right. ˹They will be told,˺ “Today you have good news of Gardens, under which rivers flow, ˹for you˺ to stay in forever. This is ˹truly˺ the ultimate triumph.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

On the Day you see the believing men and believing women, their light proceeding before them and on their right, [it will be said], "Your good tidings today are [of] gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein you will abide eternally." That is what is the great attainment.

— Saheeh International


On that Day hypocrite men and women will beg the believers, “Wait for us so that we may have some of your light.” It will be said ˹mockingly˺, “Go back ˹to the world˺ and seek a light ˹there˺!” Then a ˹separating˺ wall with a gate will be erected between them. On the near side will be grace and on the far side will be torment.1

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

On the [same] Day the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to those who believed, "Wait for us that we may acquire some of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you1 and seek light." And a wall will be placed between them with a door, its interior containing mercy, but on the outside of it is torment.

— Saheeh International

The tormented will cry out to those graced, “Were we not with you?” They will reply, “Yes ˹you were˺. But you chose to be tempted ˹by hypocrisy˺, ˹eagerly˺ awaited ˹our demise˺, doubted ˹the truth˺, and were deluded by false hopes until Allah’s decree ˹of your death˺ came to pass. And ˹so˺ the Chief Deceiver1 deceived you about Allah.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

They [i.e., the hypocrites] will call to them [i.e., the believers], "Were we not with you?" They will say, "Yes, but you afflicted yourselves1 and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted, and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And the Deceiver [i.e., Satan] deceived you concerning Allah.

— Saheeh International

So Today no ransom will be accepted from you ˹hypocrites˺, nor from the disbelievers. Your home is the Fire—it is the ˹only˺ fitting place for you. What an evil destination!”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

So today no ransom will be taken from you or from those who disbelieved. Your refuge is the Fire. It is most worthy of you, and wretched is the destination."

— Saheeh International

Has the time not yet come for believers’ hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah and what has been revealed of the truth, and not be like those given the Scripture before—˹those˺ who were spoiled for so long that their hearts became hardened. And many of them are ˹still˺ rebellious.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And let them not be like those who were given the Scripture before, and a long period passed over them, so their hearts hardened; and many of them are defiantly disobedient.

— Saheeh International

Know that Allah revives the earth after its death.1 We have certainly made the signs clear for you so perhaps you will understand.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its lifelessness. We have made clear to you the signs; perhaps you will understand.1

— Saheeh International


Indeed, those men and women who give in charity and lend to Allah a good loan will have it multiplied for them, and they will have an honourable reward.1

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity and [they who] have loaned Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.

— Saheeh International

˹As for˺ those who believe in Allah and His messengers, it is they who are ˹truly˺ the people of truth. And the martyrs, with their Lord, will have their reward and their light. But ˹as for˺ those who disbelieve and reject Our signs, it is they who will be the residents of the Hellfire.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers - those are [in the ranks of] the supporters of truth and the martyrs, with their Lord. For them is their reward and their light.1 But those who have disbelieved and denied Our verses - those are the companions of Hellfire.

— Saheeh International


Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.

— Saheeh International

˹So˺ compete with one another for forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers. This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is the Lord of infinite bounty.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Race [i.e., compete] toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.

— Saheeh International

No calamity ˹or blessing˺ occurs on earth or in yourselves without being ˹written˺ in a Record before We bring it into being. This is certainly easy for Allah.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register1 before We bring it into being - indeed that, for Allah, is easy -

— Saheeh International



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