

He has already revealed to you in the Book that when you hear Allah’s revelations being denied or ridiculed, then do not sit in that company unless they engage in a different topic, or else you will be like them.1 Surely Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And it has already come down to you in the Book [i.e., the Qur’ān] that when you hear the verses of Allah [recited], they are denied [by them] and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them.1 Indeed, Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together -

— Saheeh International

Page 100
جزء 5 حزب 10



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