
Then they ˹quickly˺ regressed to their ˹original˺ mind-set, ˹arguing,˺ “You already know that those ˹idols˺ cannot talk.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Then they reversed themselves,1 [saying], "You have already known that these do not speak!"

— Saheeh International

He rebuked ˹them˺, “Do you then worship—instead of Allah—what can neither benefit nor harm you in any way?

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

He said, "Then do you worship instead of Allah that which does not benefit you at all or harm you?

— Saheeh International

Shame on you and whatever you worship instead of Allah! Do you not have any sense?”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Uff1 to you and to what you worship instead of Allah. Then will you not use reason?"

— Saheeh International

They concluded, “Burn him up to avenge your gods, if you must act.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

They said, "Burn him and support your gods - if you are to act."

— Saheeh International

We ordered, “O fire! Be cool and safe for Abraham!”1

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

We [i.e., Allah] said, "O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham."

— Saheeh International

They had sought to harm him, but We made them the worst losers.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And they intended for him a plan [i.e., harm], but We made them the greatest losers.

— Saheeh International

Then We delivered him, along with Lot, to the land We had showered with blessings for all people.1

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And We delivered him and Lot to the land which We had blessed for the worlds [i.e., peoples].

— Saheeh International

And We blessed him with Isaac ˹as a son˺ and Jacob ˹as a grandson˺, as an additional favour—making all of them righteous.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And We gave him Isaac and Jacob in addition, and all [of them] We made righteous.

— Saheeh International

We ˹also˺ made them leaders, guiding by Our command, and inspired them to do good deeds, establish prayer, and pay alms-tax. And they were devoted to Our worship.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of prayer, and giving of zakāh; and they were worshippers of Us.

— Saheeh International

And to Lot We gave wisdom and knowledge, and delivered him from the society engrossed in shameful practices. They were certainly an evil, rebellious people.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And to Lot We gave judgement and knowledge, and We saved him from the city that was committing wicked deeds. Indeed, they were a people of evil, defiantly disobedient.

— Saheeh International

And We admitted him into Our mercy, ˹for˺ he was truly one of the righteous.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And We admitted him into Our mercy. Indeed, he was of the righteous.

— Saheeh International



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